Last report from DW7933 received 6 minutes 58 seconds ago
Wind from 115 degrees @ 11.3 KPH (3.1 m/s) Gusts to 20.9 KPH (5.8 m/s)   Temp 8C  Humidity 11%  Dewpoint -19C   Rain last 24 hours 0.08 cm   Pressure 1020.6 mb  

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Temperature/Dew pointWind (KPH)
Barometer (millibars)Rain (cm)

Rain displayed depends on what is being sent from the station, may be cumulative, last hour, last 24 hours, or since midnight
Wind Distribution (last 12 hours)Wind Distribution (last 2 hours)

As of December 17, 2020 the National Weather Service has stopped proving the static images needed to produce the radar plot. They are not expected to return.

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