APRS Packet Errors for YO5ZX-8 (last 6 hours)

This table contains packets in which findU has detected an error. This is an automated system, no manual checking of these packets has been done. Most common cause of this is mistakes in entering the latitude/longitude into hard-coded digis, or positions of 0/0. If packets of yours appear here, and you have looked at it carefully and cannot find the error, look again. I've been watching these error messages in my log, and believe my parser is reasonably correct. Go get the APRS spec to be sure. If you have done that, and are CERTAIN the packet is a legal APRS packet, then it is possible that there is an error in my my parser. Only email me if you are absolutely, positively certain...ask yourself, would I bet $100!

time (UTC)Packet
20250121062922YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>353 74 77 25 42 d1648 42
20250121080259YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>392 86 33 25 42 a1 p1 p201 pe182
20250121080326YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>396 88 33 25 42 a2 p1 d1913 50
20250121080607YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>371 84 39 25 42 a8 p1 d1838 45
20250121080848YO5ZX-8>APRS,YM5KAD,WIDE2*,qAR,TA5AHO:!0000.00N/00000.00W>392 82 45 25 42 p201 pe182
20250121081128YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>406 82 43 25 42 d1895 43
20250121081409YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>418 371 476 1262 239 42 0 1 d1920 42
20250121081649YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>397 84 45 25 42 d1939 40
20250121081930YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>417 89 37 25 42 d1922 47
20250121082213YO5ZX-8>APRS,YM5KAD,WIDE2*,qAR,TA5AHO:!0000.00N/00000.00W>399 90 39 25 42 d1943 47
20250121082451YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>403 91 37 25 42 d1883 49
20250121083254YO5ZX-8>APRS,YM5KAD,WIDE2*,qAR,TA5AHO:!0000.00N/00000.00W>422 371 476 1262 239 42 0 1 d1926 46
20250121083534YO5ZX-8>APRS,YM5KAD,WIDE2*,qAR,TA5AHO:!0000.00N/00000.00W>395 79 48 25 42 d1880 45
20250121084055YO5ZX-8>APRS,YM5KAD,WIDE2*,qAR,TA5AHO:!0000.00N/00000.00W>401 85 46 25 42 p201 pe182
20250121084335YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>394 371 476 1262 239 42 0 1 p201 pe182
20250121084616YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>398 82 44 25 42 d1905 48
20250121085137YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>422 82 49 25 42 d1978 47
20250121085658YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>428 91 44 25 42 d2028 52
20250121090219YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>418 84 47 25 42 d1930 48
20250121090500YO5ZX-8>APRS,WIDE2-1,qAO,4X4EB-6:!0000.00N/00000.00W>420 89 50 25 42 d1958 46